EquiCrown® Compression Bandages: Real-life Stories of Enhanced Equine Health and Performance

EquiCrown® Compression Bandages: Real-life Stories of Enhanced Equine Health and Performance

Anita Parra, DVM: Managing Wind Gall with EquiCrown®

Anita Parra, a recently retired small animal ER and critical care veterinarian, is also an adult amateur dressage competitor and a Beginner Novice event rider. Her Irish Sport Horse, Sterling, developed a wind gall in his right fetlock. Although it never caused lameness, the swelling was slowly getting larger. After researching alternatives, Anita discovered EquiCrown®. Despite initial concerns about her horse destroying the product, she found that horses tolerate EquiCrown® very well. Anita was impressed with the product's quality and the exceptional technical support from EquiCrown® Canada.

Maxine Emerich: A Game Changer for Lower Leg Rehabs

Maxine Emerich and her team at Engineered Equine Performance use EquiCrown® ACTIVE bandages regularly, finding them invaluable in all stages of the rehab process. They appreciate the bandages’ versatility, ease of use, and breathability, which helps maintain cooler leg temperatures. According to Maxine, the bandages have been a game changer by improving horses' injuries, saving time, and reducing reinjury rates during under saddle work or medical paddock turnout. They use and recommend EquiCrown® for all lower leg rehabs.

Gail Gray Denghardt: Managing Chronic Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Syndrome

Gail Gray Denghardt's Quarter Horse mare was diagnosed with chronic degenerative suspensory ligament syndrome, which had a bleak prognosis. A friend suggested contacting EquiCrown® Canada for a solution. Gail started using the ACTIVE style compression bandages, which have been fantastic for her mare. Eighteen months later, the horse is doing well, and Gail is extremely grateful for the product.

Eleanor Klawer: Treating Mud Fever Sores and Providing Riding Support

Eleanor Klawer found EquiCrown® FITS and ACTIVES bandages to be effective in treating mud fever sores and providing riding support for her horse. Adapted from human medical compression bandages, these bandages do not trap heat, slide down, or require removal after 24 hours. They are suitable for riding and can be easily cleaned by machine washing and drying in the provided mesh bag. Eleanor considers EquiCrown® bandages a fixture in her barn for shipping, showing, and first aid.

Heather Owchar: Lymphangitis Management and Daily Training

Heather Owchar, from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, discovered that EquiCrown® bandages changed her horse's life by effectively managing lymphangitis. The bandages have become essential for day-to-day training, hauling to shows, and preparing for the show ring. EquiCrown® keeps her horse's legs happy and healthy, and Heather recommends them to all her clients as a replacement for traditional, bulky, and hot standing wraps.


EquiCrown® compression bandages have significantly impacted various aspects of equine health and performance, as demonstrated by these customers' experiences. From managing conditions like wind gall and chronic degenerative suspensory ligament syndrome to supporting horses during rehab, daily training, and competition, these innovative bandages have proven to be highly effective. The personal stories of these customers showcase the versatility and positive impact of EquiCrown® products in addressing diverse equine needs.

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