Equine Compression Wraps VS Static Wraps
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Happy Horse Blog
Equine Compression Wraps VS Static Wraps
COMPRESSION WRAPS VS STATIC WRAPS Compression therapy has a rich history dating back to human medicine around 400 BC. Over the past century, physicians have used graduated compression stockings to enhance venous return, circulation, and recovery time from injuries. The benefits of compression therapy have not been limited to humans,...
Lymphangitis is one of those terms that can send a cold shiver down a horse owner’s spine. But what is lymphangitis, and how can you help your horse if he suffers from it? That’s what you are about to find out from this article. We’re going to answer some of the most common horse health questions you may have about...
Leg Support in Hot Weather: EquiCrown® Bandages
Introduction Overview of leg support in hot weather Caring for horses in hot weather can be challenging, especially when it comes to leg support. Swelling, overheating, and injury are all concerns that need to be addressed with the proper leg care products. The importance of proper leg care for horses...